thank YOU all for commenting on my last post! We got over 100 comments in under two hours and the Orange county AHA will receive $500 from Quaker on our behalf. (I’ll try to get them to include all our names in the note. No promises.) I got tagged for that “11 random Things” about …
Sunday set Up March 4
Sundays are a rest day for me, however my legs requirement a bit motion after a long run so I went for a walk with Ben this morning. We made a pit stop at Jamba for a shared smoothie. By the time we got house I was a lot more than prepared for breakfast. I …
His and Hers Oats In A jar
You know you’re in love when you’re ready to share an nearly empty jar of PB with someone… MY most current VIDEOS Learning from a bad Run Bad runs happen – here’s how I moved past it and learned from my next run. idea to help you become a better runner by being a …
I Ran a Marathon and Sunday set Up
Hello! I ran a marathon this morning. I kinda wish “run a marathon” was my only new Year’s Resolution so I could cross it off my list and go on with my life… (Finish was about 3:56:xx) MY newest VIDEOS Marathon training Day 3 Marathon training Day 3 More Videos 0 seconds of 51 seconds …
Running for physical fitness calendar – September 2020
Your new Running workout calendar is here! print out the September calendar for Runners to join us. And be sure to comply with @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for check-ins to assist you stay inspired as well as accountable. Let’s go!! Running for physical fitness calendar September 2020 Since we still don’t truly understand when races, running …
Things to do Thursday
I have a great deal of things to do today as well as I keep remembering much more stuff to add to the list! I leave tomorrow morning for Las vegas so I requirement to hit up the store for some essentials, figure out what I’m going to wear/pack, take my HTML test (which I’m …
California best To understand
I had a excellent run as well as excellent breakfast! Let’s hope the rest of the day continues this way!! I woke up as well as saw 1 mile repeats on the plan, however I still don’t even feel extremely strong doing 800s (half mile) so I chose to do one much more session of …
Know better Than the plan
So I think I’m going to bite the bullet and sign up for a may marathon. I downloaded a training program (that I paid for so can’t really share all together) last week and have been trying to stick to it. This week’s long run is 10 miles at a 8:45 pace. What? I don’t …
Thursday Thoughts–Fitness magazines
delighted Thursday! this week has felt odd to me because a few of my clients have kids on spring break so they’ve canceled sessions or changed their workout days. I ran an easy 3 miler and plan on doing abs and arms tonight at the gym MY most current VIDEOS Marathon training Day 3 …
How To Bake a Tortilla shell for Salad
Hey! how are you doing? I’m over here enjoying life. and by ‘life’ I imply the Valentine I bought for myself Ben = Reese’s PB cups Hearts. note the cat patas. MY latest VIDEOS Athleta Running Shorts Review.mp4 No Chafing Running Shorts for women. new review of Athleta HIIT IT 9 in inseam shorts. More …